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WPF Animated PNG In XAML


The APNG.WPF is a simple library to display animated PNG (ie. APNG) images in WPF and UWP.

APNG.WPF would have been named WPF.APNG but the nuget name has to be unique, so we had to discard the dot in the package name. The original WpfAnimatedGif library supports GIF animations only, this one supports PNG animations. The APNG WPF authors have nothing to do with the authors of WpfAnimatedGif.

There is no API to support animated PNG image in UWP

We suggest you use a GIF image as the animated iamge. You can get more information about animated GIF image here.


This library is compatible with AvaloniaUI and WPF. You can install it with NuGet.
